The Council of Europe’s Intergovernmental Steering Committee on Media and the Information Society (CDMSI) has adopted new Guidelines on the responsible implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) systems in journalism. These guidelines are an important contribution to the promotion of a rule of law-based and human rights-compliant public communication sphere.
They provide practical guidance to the relevant actors, in particular news media organizations, but also states, technology providers, and digital platforms that disseminate news, detailing how AI systems should be used to support the production of journalism.
The text covers the use of AI systems in different stages of journalistic production, ranging from the decision to use AI systems, the acquisition of AI tools, incorporating AI systems into professional practice, and the external dimension of using AI in newsrooms, namely its effect on audiences and society. The guidelines also propose certain responsibilities for technology providers and platforms, as well as for member states. The latter can play an important role in developing standards for the responsible use of AI and providing support, including financial schemes for the development of responsible journalistic AI systems.
The guidelines, which were elaborated by a sub-committee of experts on increasing the resilience of media, were developed in parallel with the wider work on the Council of Europe’s future framework convention on AI.