UNEA-6 Cities and Regions Summit

By United Nations Environment Programme

UNEA-6 Cities and Regions Summit

📅 ​​​​23 February 2024
Nairobi, Kenya

Nowadays 55 per cent of the world’s population live in urban areas. By 2050, that percentage is expected to rise to 68 per cent. Urban areas are major contributors to climate change, accounting for 70 per cent of CO2 emissions. Climate change, environmental pollution, and natural and man-made disasters disproportionately affect cities due to the high density of the population.

It is essential to address these challenges using integrated approaches to ensure sustainable urban development, especially in low-income countries where the pace of urbanization is projected to be the fastest.

The UNEA-6 Cities and Regions Summit is an Associated Event with the Sixth United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6). This is the 3rd edition of the Summit, whose first occurrence was organized during UNEA-4 in 2019. The Summit brings together mayors and other representatives from cities and regions worldwide to engage in a collaborative dialogue on the pressing issues of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution.


This 3rd edition of the Summit will contribute to deliberations at the UN Environment Assembly. It will showcase concrete examples of cities and regions supporting their national governments in achieving the SDGs and the MEAs’ goals. This Summit will focus on two key questions regarding the cities and regions’ engagement:

  1. Strengthening the multi-level governance (MLG) for achieving the SDGs and the MEAs goals;
  2. Funding and financing to accelerate the local climate and environmental actions.
