ERTMS 2024 Conference

ByEuropean Union Agency for Railways

ERTMS 2024 Conference

📅 23 April 2024
Valenciennes, France

The EU Agency for Railways invites participants to the ERTMS 2024 Conference which will take place in Valenciennes (France) from 23 to 25 April 2024. This year’s edition will mostly focus on the deployment of the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) projects across Europe. It will highlight lessons learned from successful implementation projects, the state of play of ERTMS deployment, and future perspectives.

In addition, the conference will deeply explore the migration and implementation strategies for the Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS) alongside innovation and research projects contributing to the evolution of the CCS TSI (Control Command and Signalling Technical Specifications for Interoperability).

The organization will welcome participants from all over the world including decision makers, industry representatives, railway undertaking and infrastructure managers as well as key stakeholders to exchange experiences and drive forward the deployment of ERTMS across Europe and beyond frontiers.
