4th Inter-Regional Conference on Cyber/ICT Security

By Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

4th Inter-Regional Conference on Cyber/ICT Security

πŸ“… 9 September 2024
Vienna, Austria and Online via VTC

The 4th Inter-Regional Conference aims to strengthen co-operation, exchange information, and discuss joint activities that can enhance cyber stability in both the OSCE and Asian regions. The focus will be on cyber/ICT security Confidence-Building Measures (CBMs).

This conference will gather participants from OSCE participating States, OSCE Asian and Mediterranean Partners for Co-operation, and ASEAN Member States. Selected representatives from international and regional organizations, the public sector, and academia will also contribute to the discussions.

Building on the recommendations and best practices shared during the previous three iterations, this conference will provide an ideal platform for structured inter-regional exchange benefiting regional organizations and the broader international and multi-stakeholder communities.

Conference topics:

Reflection on the cyber/ICT security environment in the Asian and OSCE regions
International law in cyberspace
Good practices on cyber/ICT security capacity-building activities: how can regions learn from each other
Gender aspects of cyber/ICT security Confidence-Building Measures
