Understanding how governance systems can better absorb shocks and improve human well-being is the focus of the 2018 IIAS Global Congress in Tunisia. The independent forum brings together hundreds of policymakers, practitioners, business leaders, NGOs, researchers and social partners from around the world to discuss developments and trends in public governance.
The ETF, a longstanding partner of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences, is hosting the ‘Governing change and changing governance’ panel in the context of vocational education and skills reform. Siria Taurelli, who leads the ETF’s governance team will present new ETF research to identify success factors in public-private partnerships supporting skills development in different countries and contexts.
Governance expert J. Manuel Galvin Arribas will discuss the ETF’s ongoing work to support vocational education decentralization in Ukraine, including the ETF’s Green Paper, which the government is using as a blueprint to its historic reform.
Good governance in vocational education and training
At the intersection of education, training, social, economic and labor-market policies, vocational education and skills is a complex policy area. There are a multiplicity of private and public sector stakeholders involved – from ministries and national agencies to employers, unions, VET institutions, teachers and trainers and other non-state partners.
The ETF works with its 29 partner countries to map the different actors, transparency, and clarity of their respective roles and responsibilities, and how they coordinate and cooperate – the so-called institutional arrangements.
Siria Taurelli says vocational education and skills reform provides an opening for reviewing governance arrangements.
‘A relevant lesson we have learned, from almost 25 years working with transitioning countries, is that the role of the actors, mandates, and mechanisms should adjust to the new policy goals. Otherwise moving from the policy design to the implementation stage can prove difficult.’
Original source: ETF
Published on 27 June 2018