One of the keys to an effective disaster early warning system is data.
Through this project, UNDP will support Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology (MOWRAM) in re-installing / re-functioning a total of 24 Automatic Weather and Agrometeorological Stations (AWS) and 55 Automatic Hydrological Stations/ AHS (covering Surface and Ground Water).
Information obtained from the established stations will be utilized by MOWRAM to generate and disseminate early warning messages for both planning purposes and for disaster preparedness and emergency response.
The customized weather and climate information, generated with the support of the project, will be applied to design a long-term strategy of climate-smart agriculture and other relevant sectoral applications. The project sites focus on communities prone to impacts of disasters and climate change.
The AWS and AHS will be installed in various locations in the Provinces of Preah Vihear, Kampong Thom, Kampong Speu, Kandal, Phnom Penh, Takeo, Kampot, Kep, Preah Sihanouk Ville and Koh Kong.
Original source: UNDP
Published on 13 August 2018