The cities are growing faster than ever before. By 2050, 68% of the world’s population is expected to live in urban areas. It is essential to work together to ensure that these are places where everyone can thrive.
Urbanization affects every aspect of our food systems – from the way food is produced and priced, to the way it is processed, consumed, recycled and wasted. Providing cities with high-quality food today and tomorrow is critical.
So how will we prepare our towns and cities for a sustainable future?
A future where there is healthy and nutritious food for all?
The solution lies in planning and partnering:
• More jobs for our women
• More jobs for our youth
• Clean water and air
• Greener cities
• Fresh food readily available
• Closely connected urban and rural areas
• Decent incomes for farmers
• Affordable food prices for people
From Colombo, Nairobi, to Lima, cities are changing… so we can protect our natural resources, and people can buy good quality, fresh food at affordable prices, while everyone working in the food sector can make a decent living.
Lima is sharing its experiences with other cities in Peru.
Nairobi has partnered with Toronto for cutting-edge planning and policies.
In Cabo Verde, four cities are including food in their overall plans, creating jobs in cities and nearby areas, while caring for the environment and natural resources. Dakar is helping Douala and Praia produce fresh food locally to reduce transport, costs and energy.
This is just the beginning. Imagine a world where we connect with each other, share experiences and discuss innovative solutions that create and protect sustainable healthy food systems.
Let’s Connect, Share and Inspire. The future of food starts with us.
Original source: UNFAO
Published on 5 September 2018