Within the framework of the meeting of the Joint Summit Working Group (JSWG), the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) signed an agreement of understanding with the Organization of American States (OAS) to establish regional cooperation bridges and thus consolidate the fight against corruption and transparency.
During his speech, the Executive Vice President of CABEI, Alejandro Rodríguez Zamora, expressed that “the multilateral bank combines its efforts to create partnerships such as the one we are presenting today and work towards more just, ethical and transparent societies”.
The JSWG coordinates the support provided by twelve inter-American and international institutions to the Summit of the Americas process. These institutions provide technical guidance to countries for the identification and negotiation of issues addressed in the Summit Process. In addition, the group participates in Summit policy dialogues to exchange ideas regarding policy approaches in the Summit Process.
Institutional Strengthening
To support its partner countries in regard to integrity, CABEI has prioritized the updating of its internal policies and systems, adopting new prevention and control mechanisms to help more effectively protect the integrity of institutional activities and support compliance with standards of conduct, including its Code of Ethics.
CABEI has its Anti-Fraud, Anti-Corruption, and Other Prohibited Practices Policies of the organization, where the following principles have been adopted: promoting a zero-tolerance culture to prohibited practices, adopting a preventive approach, objectivity and acting without prejudice to the identification and execution of due process of an alleged prohibited practice and applying this due process.
“The institution will continue to strengthen the mechanisms to control and prevent corruption and fraudulent acts with all our counterparts through training and workshops focused on integrity schemes. CABEI will continue to promote the reform agenda that will allow us to improve our controls to eliminate all forms of corruption and fraud with the use of our resources,” said Mr. Rodriguez.
Original source: CABEI
Published on 4 September 2018