Investing in social services and early childhood development in FYR Macedonia

Investing in social services and early childhood development in FYR Macedonia

The World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved a USD 33.4 million loan to help advance the social protection and early childhood education and care (ECEC) systems in FYR Macedonia.

“This project will increase the social inclusion of the most vulnerable people in the country, through a well-targeted system of expanded social service delivery,” says Marco Mantovanelli, World Bank Country Manager. “Additionally, by investing in early childhood education and care, Macedonia is investing in its future. This project will improve school readiness, which is vital to life-long skills development and to strengthening the competitiveness of the country’s economy in the long term”

“Grants for infrastructure will be available through the project and approximately 7500 new preschool spaces will be created in both urban and rural areas,” says Marina Petrovic, World Bank Senior Social Protection Specialist and Task Team Leader for the Project. “Expanding access to services will mean paying attention to quality as well, so the project will also include strengthening of the teachers’ competencies and capacities and developing materials for age-appropriate education”, adds Bojana Naceva, Senior Education Specialist and co-task team leader of the project.

The project will support quality early learning for preschool children (3 – 6 years old) and their families and support the transition into primary education, with a focus on children from vulnerable groups and children with a disability. Also, all children aged 0 to 6 years across the country are expected to benefit from improved parenting and care at home. Finally, school teachers and staff, and staff in social service institutions and preschools will also benefit from simplified and more efficient administrative procedures and new or newly refurbished workspaces.

Original source: World Bank
Published on 13 September 2018