Endocrine disruptors: A strategy for the future that protects EU citizens and the environment

Endocrine disruptors: A strategy for the future that protects EU citizens and the environment

On November 7 the Commission has adopted a Communication, confirming its commitment to protecting citizens and the environment from hazardous chemicals. The Communication also outlines how the Commission intends to ensure that the EU approach remains the most modern and fit-for-purpose in the world.

The Communication delivers on the commitment taken by the Commission last year when working with the Member States on the criteria to identify endocrine disruptors in the areas of pesticides and biocides. It addresses the concerns of the European Parliament and the Council and follows up from the 7th Environment Action Programme.

Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella said: “This Communication confirms that the Commission takes endocrine disruptors very seriously and intends to strengthen its efforts to minimise citizens and environment exposure to these chemicals”.

”The new strategy shows our determination to address endocrine disruptors comprehensively and consistently in a broader scope of areas. I am pleased that we are building on the work that has already been done on the identification criteria of endocrine disruptors under the regulations on pesticides and biocides, based on the World Health Organisation definition”, underlined Commissioner Health and Food Safety Vytenis Andriukaitis

The EU’s strategic approach to endocrine disruptors will continue to be based firmly on science and on the application of the precautionary principle. It aims at:

  • minimising our overall exposure to endocrine disruptors, paying particular attention to important life periods, such as pregnancy and puberty;
  • accelerating the development of a thorough research basis for effective and forward-looking decision-making in the context of Horizon Europe, building on the existing research and paying particular attention to areas where knowledge gaps exist;
  • promoting active dialogue allowing all stakeholders to be heard and to work together. In this context, the Commission will organise a Forum on endocrine disruptors on an annual basis and step up its support to the work of international organisations.

For the first time, the Commission will launch a comprehensive screening of the legislation applicable to endocrine disruptors through a Fitness Check that will build on the data already collected and analysed. Without putting into question the general science-based EU approach to the management of chemicals, the Fitness Check will involve an assessment of the current legislation on whether it delivers on the objectives of protecting human health and the environment. The Fitness Check will also include a public consultation.

The Communication adopted also outlines initiatives currently considered by the Commission to ensure that the implementation of existing policies on endocrine disruptors reaches its full potential. This includes the identification of endocrine disruptors, improving communication throughout supply chains by using Safety Data Sheets as established under REACH, and taking forward the scientific assessment of endocrine disruptors with further regulatory action.

Original source: European Commission
Published on 7 November 2018