The Paris Peace Forum is a new annual event based on a simple idea: international cooperation is key to tackling global challenges and ensuring durable peace.
To support collective action, it gathers all actors of global governance under one roof for three days – states, international organizations, local governments, NGOs and foundations, companies, experts, journalists, trade unions, religious groups and citizens. Through original formats of debates and the presentation of solutions, it demonstrates there is still a momentum for multilateralism and a better organization of the planet, both among states from North and South and civil society actors.
The Paris Peace Forum is centered on those who seek to develop solutions for today’s transborder challenges. It is focused on their 120 governance projects and initiatives from around the world, selected from 850 applications, presented in five villages: peace and security, environment, development, new technologies and inclusive economy.
It offers these projects visibility, feedback and connections to potential implementers. 10 projects will also be elected by participants and the Selection Committee of the Forum to benefit from special support by the Paris Peace Forum until the second edition in November 2019.
While the original impetus for the Paris Peace Forum came from French President Emmanuel Macron, the Forum is organized by an NGO founded in 2018 by the Körber Foundation, the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, the Institut français des relations internationales, the Institut Montaigne, Sciences Po and the French Ministry for European and Foreign Affairs.
The Executive Committee of the Forum is made up of these organizations and is advised by the Steering Committee, comprised of 16 personalities with an international reputation, coming from all continents.
This annual event is funded by various partners and receives little public funding.
Original source: IFAD
Published on 11 November 2018