Australia investing in regional partnerships

Australia investing in regional partnerships

This Office of Development Effectiveness evaluation assessed how the aid program is positioned to support Australia’s economic partnerships with Asian middle-income countries, focused on Indonesia, Vietnam and the Southeast Asia Regional programs.

The evaluation found that there is a strong strategic and development case to continue providing development assistance to Asian middle-income countries and that Australian assistance adds value by helping partner countries mobilize other resources and improve the quality of their spending.

Australian assistance is well regarded for being flexible, responsive, low-profile when necessary and committed to long-term reform objectives. The evaluation documented some impressive results.

Among the recommendations are that DFAT could better articulate the objectives of its economic partnerships to ensure messaging is consistent across aid, trade and diplomatic efforts. Also, that to support more ambitious partnerships, DFAT will need to adapt its systems and strengthen staff capabilities.

Read and download full evaluation paper “Investing in regional prosperity: Positioning the aid program to support Australia’s economic partnerships in Asia”

Original source: DFAT
Published on 20 November 2018