EBRD helps expand Amman’s first landfill gas recovery system

EBRD helps expand Amman’s first landfill gas recovery system

In response to Amman’s urgent need for investment in solid waste management, the EBRD is providing a blended financing package of up to €7.4 million to the Greater Amman Municipality (GAM) to finance the expansion of the landfill gas (LFG) recovery system currently operating in Al Ghabawi landfill.

This investment marks the third sub-project under GAM’s Solid Waste Crisis Response Programme. The EBRD’s funds will assist GAM in capping cell 4 of the landfill and subsequently connecting it to an existing LFG recovery system, thus capturing methane gas and utilising it for the production of clean energy. The electricity generated in this way will be delivered to the national grid using gas turbines with a capacity of up to 4.8 MW, contributing to a reduction of more than 2.6 million tonnes in CO2 emissions over the lifetime of the cell. Cell 4 is part of a comprehensive landfill gas recovery programme that includes nine cells to be built by 2027.

Al Ghabawi landfill is a modern, engineered sanitary landfill that has been operating since 2003 and now receives approximately 4,000 tonnes of solid municipal waste per day from Amman and the neighbouring cities of Zarqa and Ruseifeh. Amman has approximately 5 million residents, including over 500,000 Syrian refugees, and the population is placing unprecedented strain on the city’s municipal infrastructure.

Since 2015, the EBRD has been helping improve Amman’s municipal services, with a total of €110.4 million of EBRD loans and grants to GAM and with the support of the European Union (EU), the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID) , the EBRD’s Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Multi-Donor Account (SEMED MDA), and the TaiwanICDF.

Jordan joined the EBRD in 2012 and to date, the Bank has invested over €1.0 billion in 40 projects benefiting various sectors of the country’s economy.

Original source: EBRD
Published on 29 November 2018