AfDB Board approves the Form Ghana Reforestation Project and the Southern Tunisian Gas Pipeline Project

AfDB Board approves the Form Ghana Reforestation Project and the Southern Tunisian Gas Pipeline Project

The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank approved the Form Ghana Reforestation Project and the Southern Tunisia Gas Pipeline Project to undergo a Bank-triggered compliance review.

This review, referred to as spot check advisory review of project compliance (Spot-Check Review), is part of the advisory functions provided by the Bank’s Independent Review Mechanism (IRM) for purposes of institutional learning.

The goal of this review is to assist Bank Management to improve the handling of safeguards issues relating to the projects during their preparation and implementation.

During the Spot-Check exercise, the IRM will assess whether or not the two projects are in compliance with the relevant Bank Group policies and procedures. The findings and recommendations to the Management of the Bank to bring the project into compliance will be submitted to the Boards of Directors for consideration.

In addition to the Spot-Check Review, the IRM undertakes compliance review on projects funded by the Bank Group that impact local populations. The Compliance Review and Mediation Unit (BCRM) is the Bank entity that administers the IRM.

Source: AfDB. Read full information.
5 July, 2017