EU supports investment and job creation in Ghana with €40 million

EU supports investment and job creation in Ghana with €40 million

The programme supports the country’s national development framework, which focuses on jobs as a means to create prosperity and opportunity for all, contributing to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

On this occasion, Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, Neven Mimica, said: “This €40 million programme shows how private investment can help deliver the Sustainable Development Goals. It will enable the Ghanaian government to accelerate the implementation of structural reforms essential for strong, inclusive and job-creating growth. A perfect example of the Africa-Europe Alliance in action”.

The programme focuses on the areas of business climate, public financial governance and employment. The main objectives of the programme are to promote domestic and foreign private investment, enable businesses to spearhead economic transformation and create employment, strengthen public financial governance and boost domestic revenue mobilisation as well as to fight against corruption.

The funds will be managed by the Ghanaian government and the programme is aligned with President Akufo-Addo’s vision of “Ghana beyond aid”, a long-term economic and social transformation strategy. This budget support operation (the so-called SDG contract) is an important lever to strengthen the business environment and the investment climate through regular policy dialogue and ambitious performance indicators.

Original source: European Commission
Published on 28 February 2019