Tackling Plastic Pollution in Europe: Ramping up efforts for a healthier environment

Tackling Plastic Pollution in Europe: Ramping up efforts for a healthier environment

Plastic production, which has increased twentyfold since 1964, generates a turnover of billions of dollars per year and employs millions of people worldwide. This industry, however, is also the cause of littering and leakage of plastic waste that harms the environment and may affect human health through the food chain and air.

The EU alone produces 25.8 million tonnes of plastic waste per year of which approximately 150.000 to 500.000 tonnes enter the oceans. Other sources indicate that around 40 pieces of marine litter can be found in every km2 of water of the Mediterranean Sea.

Many European citizens are worried about the impact that everyday products made of plastic will have on their health, and the environment. The EU is working towards setting out a ‘circular’ plastics economy, in which the industry, governments, and citizens work together to ensure that plastics never become waste and the amount of marine litter is reduced.

In January 2018 the Commission published its “European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy” proposing among other things that all plastic packaging should be designed to be recyclable or reusable by 2030. Under Horizon 2020 the EU has funded several projects for research and development linked to plastics in the circular economy. Examples include the CIRC-PACK on the development of biodegradable plastics, RES URBIS, to use urban biowaste for the production of bioplastic, and FORCE to facilitate the cooperation of cities for circular economy recycling. The Commission is also taking active steps to reduce marine litter, which it aims to cut by 30% by 2020.

Despite these promising initiatives and the recent single-use plastics ban approved by the European Parliament, there are still challenges to overcome in the fight against plastic pollution.

This timely international symposium will provide an invaluable opportunity to discuss current challenges related to plastic pollution and to assess the suitability of the measures set out by the EU to achieve a ‘circular’ plastics economy. The participants will also review the initiatives put in place by the Commission to reduce marine litter and explore ways of stepping up the recycling of plastics. Public Policy Exchange welcomes the participation of all key partners, responsible authorities and stakeholders. The symposium will support the exchange of ideas and encourage delegates to engage in thought-provoking topical debates.


location: Marivaux Hotel Brussels:
Boulevard Adolphe Maxlaan
98 – 1000 Brussels
dates: 14 March 2019

Check the event brochure here.

Original source: EU-Events
Published on 07 March 2019