AIIB 2019 Luxembourg Annual Meeting

AIIB 2019 Luxembourg Annual Meeting

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s (AIIB) will host its Annual Meeting outside of Asia. 

The theme of the 2019 Annual Meeting is “Cooperation and Connectivity” in recognition of the economic and social benefits to be realized through better connectivity within and between countries and regions, including Europe and Asia.

The 2019 Annual Meeting will bring together AIIB’s Governors and Directors to engage with delegations from members, prospective members, partner institutions, business leaders, civil society and experts from a range of fields.

The dialogue will focus on how cooperation and strategic investments in sustainable infrastructure can contribute to deeper integration and stronger economic growth via enhanced and strengthened connectivity.

The second Asian Infrastructure Forum will also be held as part of the 2019 Annual Meeting.

The forum is focused on creating connections and business development opportunities for participants drawn from project sponsors, financiers, project delivery companies and governments.


12-13 July 2019

Original source: AIIB
Published on 29 May 2019