European Business and Nature Summit

European Business and Nature Summit

The European Business and Biodiversity Platform, Ecoacsa, Fundación Empresa y Clima and Fundación Biodiversidad from Ministry for Ecological Transition –through the Spanish Business and Biodiversity Initiative (IEEB, by its Spanish acronym)- are joining forces to organise the European Business and Nature Summit.

This two-day conference on business, biodiversity and natural capital will be hosted by CaixaForum, with the support of Obra Social “la Caixa”, in the very centre of Madrid, Spain.

The European Business and Nature Summit will highlight examples of best practice, tools and metrics to deliver positive business impact on biodiversity. The summit will thereby contribute to enhance the engagement of governments and businesses in the EU on biodiversity and natural capital.

The two-day Summit will bring together key representatives from businesses, governments and civil society in the EU together to facilitate more decisive global action to halt the loss of biodiversity and restore healthy ecosystems.

The European Business and Nature Summit will provide:

  • A forum to discuss the most recent progresses made by businesses to better account for their impacts and dependencies on nature;
  • An opportunity to strengthen political ambitions to protect biodiversity and shape the New Deal for Nature and People;
  • A regional stepping stone in the global run to the post-2020 biodiversity framework as regards business for nature and corporates contributing to protecting biodiversity and natural capital;
  • An opportunity to engage a wide European audience in addressing biodiversity loss.


Madrid, Spain
7-8 November 2019

Original source: Natural Capital Summit
Published on 28 August 2019