EIB helps to improve sanitation and sewerage systems in Belgrade

EIB helps to improve sanitation and sewerage systems in Belgrade

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is continuing to help improve environmental and social standards in Serbia with a EUR 35m loan to the City of Belgrade.

The loan will finance the sewerage system and a wastewater treatment plant in the Municipality of Palilula, located on the left bank of the Danube River. The project will help provide better sanitation and living conditions for approximately 170 000 people, will contribute to reducing environmental pollution and will increase the EIB’s support for the environment sector in line with the EU strategy for the Western Balkans.

In addition to the EIB loan, the investment will benefit from a EUR 1.1m technical assistance grant, provided under the Economic Resilience Initiative (ERI) to support the City of Belgrade in better preparing and implementing the project. The remaining share of a total EUR 52m in financing will be provided by the municipal budget.

Since 2000, the European Investment Bank has lent more than EUR 5.4bn to Serbia, supporting transport and environmental infrastructure, health, education research and development and SMEs.

Original source: EIB
Published on 16 October 2019