WTO Director-General sees sharp fall in trade, calls for global solutions to COVID-19 crisis

WTO Director-General sees sharp fall in trade, calls for global solutions to COVID-19 crisis

Director-General Roberto Azevêdo said cross-border trade and investment flows have a role to play in efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and will be vital for fostering a stronger recovery once the medical emergency subsides.

“No country is self-sufficient, no matter how powerful or advanced it may be. Trade allows for the efficient production and supply of basic goods and services, medical supplies and equipment, food and energy … Keeping trade and investment flowing will be critical to keep shelves plentiful and prices affordable,” he said.

WTO economists are analysing the fallout from the crisis and will report their findings and projections for trade in 2020 and 2021. Although the report is still a few weeks away, the Director-General said the economists “foresee a very sharp decline in trade”.

“Once the medical crisis begins to recede, the trade will allow countries to help each other grow, bringing faster and stronger economic recovery for all of us. The WTO will do its part,” he said.

Original source: WTO
Published on 25 March 2020