Knowledge democratization: Can Latin America and the Caribbean be enabled to produce its own diagnostic tests and other devices to face COVID-19?

Knowledge democratization: Can Latin America and the Caribbean be enabled to produce its own diagnostic tests and other devices to face COVID-19?

? May 4, 2020  ? 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

In the sixth webinar of the policy dialogue series organized by the IDB’s Social Protection and Health Division, through its CRITERIA NETWORK, we invite you to learn more from the perspective of an innovator about how Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) can be enabled to make the diagnostic and serological tests and other key devices needed for the COVID-19 response in the region.

We will discuss key areas of opportunity, and how technological, supply chain, and quality assurance challenges may be addressed for scalable production.

This session will be presented by Jose Gomez-Marquez, who directs the Little Devices at the MIT Lab, that focuses on exploring the design, invention, and policy spaces for DYI health technologies around the world. He is also the co-founder of MakerHealth, which creates distributed biotechnology and medical fabrication environments in hospitals and communities around the world, and the co-inventor of the MEDIKit and Ampli platforms, that empower doctors and nurses to invent their own medical technologies.

Original source: IADB
Published on 30 April 2020