? 12 June 2020 ? 16:30- 17:45 (CET)
Virtual debate
The high-level virtual debate will stimulate dialogue on the importance of protecting children from child labour in COVID-19 response and recovery plans, while looking forward to the International Year on the Elimination of Child Labour, 2021, and the SDG Target 8.7 to end child labour in all its forms by 2025.
Discussants will bring the views of UN agencies, governments, employers and workers organizations, civil society and youth on:
- the impact of COVID-19 on child labour and measures that can be taken to mitigate the impact;
- how the current health, economic and social crisis might affect progress towards SDG Target 8.7;
- the opportunity for all UN member States and partners to join forces during the International Year on the Elimination of Child Labour in 2021.
The main background document for the debate will be a joint ILO–UNICEF paper on the impact of COVID-19 on child labour, released on 12 June. The paper looks at some of the main channels through which the pandemic is likely to affect progress towards the eradication of child labour.
Original source: ILO
Published on 08 June 2020