Webinar | Protect and Preserve Nature, the Source of Human Health

Webinar | Protect and Preserve Nature, the Source of Human Health

? 17 June 2020 ? 17:00 – 18:30 (CET)

How are COVID-19 and human health linked to nature and biodiversity loss? How can we prevent future pandemics from happening? How do we mainstream biodiversity for health and nutrition, and pave a path towards sustainable food systems? Why are the upcoming 12 months and global negotiations on biodiversity so important for people and the planet?

To answer these questions, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the World Health Organization (WHO) invite you to a high-level webinar on biodiversity, health and food systems.

The webinar will be opened by WWF Director-General, Mr. Marco Lambertini, CBD Executive Secretary, Ms. Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, and WHO Director for Health and Environment, Dr. Maria Neira. This will be followed by an expert panel discussion on mainstreaming biodiversity for health and nutrition; biodiversity and infectious diseases; and, solutions to transform our food system for more resilient and sustainable future. An open discussion will be led by representatives from FAO, ITTC, WBCSD, and a range of global actors from the development field.

Original source: WHO
Published on 12 June 2020