Top 10 human rights organizations

ByOlga Sajin

Top 10 human rights organizations

The “Leaving no one behind” pledge of the 2030 Agenda stresses that Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) must focus on human dignity. The new global development framework sets ambitious targets that are grounded in the human rights standards. Addressing violations, eradicating poverty and inequalities, preventing all kinds of abuse and addressing genocides are some of the goals of an international commitment to implement structural changes.

Millions of lives have been improved in the last few years due to organizations focused on addressing human rights issues. We present details of the DevelopmentAid top 10 organisations that can be found on our web platform, taking into account the number of employees, the coverage area and the impact of their work. These organizations encompass a wide range of fields related to human rights sector, highlights their individual approach and struggle for restoring people’s dignity.

Top 10 human rights organizations_Top 10 organizations in the human rights sector

A world that advances children’s rights and equality for girls is the ambition of an organization which has worked in more than 70 countries across the world for over 80 years. Plan International HQ aims to transform the lives of 100 million girls in five years by responding to local contexts and global trends. The €895 million raised in 2019 concentrated on helping over 40 million children. Plan International has partnered with 34,814 organizations in order to ensure achievement of the SDG targets at national levels.

Human rights can guide SDG implementation to achieve more transformative results. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (DANIDA) shares a strong belief that poverty eradication is anchored in human rights and economic growth. Denmark promotes cooperation between civil society, authorities and business to achieve sustainable development targets by becoming an important donor of various initiatives. Danish Official Development AID accounted USD1,7 billion in 2019.

According to the Terre des hommes team, change is about advocacy. This organization pushes to influence political agenda and equitable development without racial, religious, political, cultural or gender-based discrimination. More than 6 million direct beneficiaries and 9 million indirect beneficiaries have been supported through about 900 projects.

Tackling inequality is central to Oxfam Intermón Spain. The organization empowers people to reshape the societies they live in and inspire systemic changes, eradicate poverty and ensure that all human beings are able to fully exercise their rights.

Top 10 human rights organizations_Oxfam expenses by cause
Source: Annual report Oxfam Intermón 2018-2019

The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights leads the global efforts in ensuring that human rights protection is a reality in people’s lives. OHCHR provides comprehensive assistance to governments in the areas of the administration of justice, legislative reform, electoral process and empowering people with the ability to shape development policy.

UN Human Rights in 2018
Source: United Nations Human Rights report 2018

Addressing violations of human rights worldwide is what brings together more than 7 million supporters, members and activists in over 150 countries and territories. Amnesty International is a global movement that campaigns to end injustices and oppressive laws and covers a wide range of human rights. Thanks to the involvement of Amnesty International activists, 24 new human rights laws have been passed, including major victories for the LGBTIQ movement in Asia. Another impressive achievement in 2018 was the Escazu Agreement, signed by 16 Latin American and Caribbean countries, which promotes the safety of defenders of human rights.

Driven by the necessity to end the sexual exploitation that 40 million people suffer from around the globe, International Justice Mission is a leading global human rights agency that rescue victims, prosecutes perpetrators and enforces public justice systems – through the police, courts and laws.

Civil Rights Defenders (CRF) is an independent expert organization that operates in regions where respect for human rights does not meet international standards. The CRF team relies on advocacy, litigation and public campaigns to advance people’s rights even in the most repressed countries of four continents. They collaborate with more than 200 local human rights organizations globally which gives them extensive regional expertise.

The Impact of International Justice Mission
Source: Justice Review 2019, International Justice Mission

Human Rights Watch investigates human rights abuse around the world and ensures structural changes by advocating to enforce the laws and preventing repression. All the initiatives are channeled towards the pursuit of justice, the changing of laws, the documentation of massacres, the eradication of baseless arrests and addressing all kinds of abuse against those likely to face discrimination, including women, the LGBT community and those with disabilities.

As a dedicated member of the international development community, Refugees International focuses on identifying solutions to the core challenges faced by refugees, displaced people, asylum seekers. Over 70 million forcibly displaced people around the world are particularly vulnerable to human rights issues due to the novel coronavirus. Therefore, Refugees International advocates for lifesaving assistance and protection, improving their conditions, underlining policies that are working well and where global action falls short.

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