The World Bank’s Executive Directors approved two projects for $400 million in concessional financing from the International Development Association to support Pakistan’s interventions to reduce food insecurity from the outbreak of locusts and measures to restore education for schools closed due to COVID-19.
This financing includes $200 million for the Locust Emergency and Food Security Project and $200 million for the Actions to Strengthen Performance for Inclusive and Responsive Education Program.
“The compounded impact of the locust outbreak and COVID-19 pandemic calls for urgent, coordinated, and targeted actions to secure Pakistan’s agricultural economy and improve educational systems to protect human capital,” said Illango Patchamuthu, World Bank Country Director for Pakistan. ”Together, these projects will contribute to short- and long-term goals to increase Pakistan’s food security and achieve greater equity for students across the country.”
The Locust Emergency and Food Security Project (LEAFS) will support emergency actions to control the locust outbreak and prevent further spread across Pakistan and the South Asia region. In the short-term, it will benefit at least six million farmers and agricultural laborers, of which approximately 30 percent are women, by addressing the negative impacts on the livelihoods of farmers and laborers living in areas where crop damage and losses are most severe. The project will further support the medium- and long-term sustainability of the agricultural sector by promoting climate-smart solutions to increase resilience to weather-related hazards such as floods and droughts. LEAFS will improve early warning systems by strengthening the Food Security and Nutrition Information System (FSNIS), which is a critical decision-making tool to prevent pest outbreaks and improve national food security. The project will also improve coordination among provincial, national and regional authorities to reduce climate and disaster risk.
The Actions to Strengthen Performance for Inclusive and Responsive Education Program (ASPIRE) will address school disruptions due to COVID-19 by accelerating virtual and distance learning opportunities for students. ASPIRE supports Pakistan’s efforts to safely reopen schools by establishing protocols and leveraging technology to expand access to online learning programs and training for teachers and administrators. Increased connectivity will help bridge the gap to provide education services for Pakistan’s youth, particularly among disadvantaged communities. The program will provide training to teachers on distance-learning and expand digital access through free, public Wi-Fi hotspots. ASPIRE also strengthens coordination among federal and provincial governments to generate new investments in traditional and alternative education programs to accelerate the recovery phase and build back better.
Original source: World Bank
Published on 31 July 2020