Ameria CJSC one of the largest consulting companies in Armenia with wide range of management advisory services. Ameria Management Advisory Services combines its broad industry experience with all-embracing range of advisory services to meet specific needs of each client and to propose unique solutions both on strategic and operational levels. Additionally, Ameria tailors its professional expertise and experience to assist the clients and partners in conforming to rapidly changing environment by transferring relevant innovations and skills.
Ameria actively supports reforms and improvements in public administration, public financial management, judiciary, civil service, social protection and labor systems. Provides high quality services in strategy development, design of sector-related analyses and action plans, business processes optimization, establishment of new structures, institutional development, design and introduction of performance evaluation systems, court monitoring systems, special IT solutions for court management, etc.
Ameria offers a uniquely harmonious and efficient system of multidisciplinary and comprehensive advisory services concentrated in four major areas of professional activities: Corporate Advisory, Legal Advisory, Public Sector Consulting, Research and Analytical Services.
Corporate advisory provides a team of professional consultants to deliver a range of services for business transformation.
Legal advisory provides comprehensive legal support for successfully doing business in Armenia & protection by the law all the way through.
Research and analytical and Public Consulting services are the key services highly demanded by business community and the Government. Ameria offers tailored researches based on specific Client request and is periodically publishing unsolicited researches on the country economic sectors and development issues.
For more information about services, please visit