Donor Funding for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights | Webinar

By SEEK Development

Donor Funding for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights | Webinar

? 11 March ? 04:00 PM

The Donor Tracker team invites you to the third and final installment in our series of gender equality webinars, this time with a focus on funding for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). Adam Wexler of the Kaiser Family Foundation joins the Donor Tracker’s Kalila Jaeger and Zoe Johnson for a deep dive into the world of donor finance for SRHR.

Drawing on the findings of the Donor Tracker’s latest Insight on official development assistance (ODA) for SRHR and the work of KFF tracking donor funding for Family Planning and HIV, the webinar will address:

  • How much ODA do donors spend on SRHR and how have funding and policy commitments made to this sector changed over time?
  • Which areas of SRHR receive the most funding and which donor countries are championing which aspects of SRHR in their ODA funding and policy?
  • What funding and policy trends should advocates watch for in this sector in the years ahead?

Tune in for the answers to these questions and the chance to ask your own.

Webinar Registration