New Food Conference 2021 | Virtual

New Food Conference 2021 | Virtual

? 28 – 29 April 2021

Disruptive protein technology and the market for sustainable food solutions are both growing at a mind-blowing pace. The New Food Conference is a unique, industry-oriented event that aims to accelerate and empower these innovative food technologies by bringing together key stakeholders. It is Europe’s first and biggest conference on new-protein solutions.

The skyrocketing consumer demand for animal-free products has shaken up the global food industry. In 2021, no player in the supply chain will remain unaffected by the growing demand for plant-based food options. It is no longer a question of whether this shift in consumer patterns is going to continue, but how, and what forms these developments will take. Now is the time to prepare for the future by identifying whitespaces and spotting opportunities.

Adapting to the circumstances, the New Food Conference in April 2021 will take place as an online event. Join the event to discuss the current challenges and opportunities in the alternative-protein realm. The New Food Conference 2021 will cover the whole plant-based product value chain, from agriculture to manufacturing and retail, from investment to innovation.

Original source: New Food Conference