Connecting Gender Equality and Biodiversity - for Sustainable Societies | Virtual

By Swedish International Development Agency

Connecting Gender Equality and Biodiversity - for Sustainable Societies | Virtual

? 4 May 2021 ? 9:00-10:45 CEST

Welcome to a webinar on how to promote gender-transformative solutions for addressing biodiversity loss and climate change.

When being empowered to take the space and opportunity, women and girls in poor and marginalized communities are agents of change for sustainable development. But due to gender inequality, these women and girls are seldom involved in decision-making processes, and their knowledge is not captured. At the same time, they are disproportionally affected by biodiversity loss and climate change due to increased vulnerability and insecurity.

Ensuring that women’s, men’s, and youth’s perspectives are considered and integrated into policies and initiatives is necessary for effective and equitable biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.

By connecting ongoing policy processes with grassroots work by women’s and youth organizations – government and organizations can ensure that the work on gender equality and biodiversity are mutually reinforcing each other. During these virtual Development Talks, you will explore the need to have both perspectives in mind for poverty alleviation and inclusive sustainable development.

As the organization celebrates the 25th anniversary of the landmark Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and as it anticipates the adoption of a new Global Biodiversity Framework, it will gather development actors from global to the local level to share and learn about the emerging evidence and how it can achieve better results by promoting both gender equality and biodiversity together.