Heavy rains followed by flood had paralysed the inhabitants of North Bengal in the month of August 2017. Fulhar River, Atreyee River and Teljana has caused extensive damage to the man and materials. The road and rail transport completely broke down and the area is cut off from the south and upper North Bengal, boat remains the only means of communication train and buses are diverted to the different directions.
Rajganj, Sadar, Maynaguri, Dhupguri, Mal,Matiali and Nagrakata were the worst affected blocks with almost 44,21,996 people affected. Nearly 2,44,00 people taken shelter in 91 relief camps set up in the flood-hit blocks. After water receded most of mud houses are collapsed, even after two months people are living in the temporary shelter.
Caritas India stood beside the flood affected people of North Bengal and initiated humanitarian support for the affected people. Primary focus was given to the families who have so far not received adequate humanitarian assistance from government response and other humanitarian agencies. Families belong to socially and economically excluded communities (especially ST, SC and OBC) will be prioritised. Special emphasis will be given to women (with special focus on widows, women headed households, pregnant and lactating mothers), orphans, children, adolescent girls, persons with disability and elderly.
In Jalpaiguri, 8 worst affected villages were supported by WaSH and Shelter kits for 449 household and 250 people were given Rs. 2000/- cash/bank transfer.
In Gangarampur block 22 villages 1553 families are planned to support with WaSH kit and Shelter materials among them 1250 hh are under cash / bank transfer. So far, we have distributed 1340 WaSH kit, cash 180 households and bank transferred 123 households as on date.
Original source: Caritas.
Posted on 27 October 2017