United States donates USD 600,000 to enhance negotiating skills of developing countries

United States donates USD 600,000 to enhance negotiating skills of developing countries

The United States Government is contributing USD 600,000 (approximately CHF 570,000) to help developing and least-developed countries (LDCs) participate effectively in global trade negotiations.

This donation to the WTO’s Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund will finance training workshops for officials in Geneva and in the regions to help them better understand and implement WTO agreements. Since the creation of the fund in 2001, over 2,500 workshops have been organized.

WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo said: “I welcome the United States’ donation. It will be important to help officials from developing and least-developed countries increase their knowledge and understanding of trade issues to enhance their connection with global markets.”

The US Acting Permanent Representative, Christopher Wilson said: “The United States is pleased to again contribute to this important WTO vehicle for providing technical assistance to developing countries. We are confident that this assistance can help these WTO members implement WTO commitments in ways that will measurably advance their development objectives.”

Overall, the United States has donated approximately CHF 19 million to WTO trust funds over the last 15 years.

Original source: WTO
Published on 27 October 2017