European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Equipment for Emergency Response at Specialized Enterprises of the State Corporation ‘Radon’ and for remediation of radioactive waste storage sites U4.01/12BD Part II , Lot 1 & 2

Last update: Oct 2, 2017 Last update: Oct 2, 2017


Start Date:Dec, 2016
End Date:Dec, 2018
Contract value: EUR 3,349,052
Sectors:Nuclear, Pollution & Waste Management (incl. trea ...
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Nuclear, Pollution & Waste Management (incl. treatment), Vehicles

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Programme title: INSC – Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation
Publication Reference: EuropeAid/138177/IH/SUP/UA
Contract number: INSC/2016/ 376-601
Contract Description: Ukraine possesses a large volume of radioactive waste. The overall objective of the current project is, to improve the safety, efficiency and cost-effectiveness of radioactive waste management through infrastructure and equipment improvement, and training of staff in course of different projects. The contract foresees design, manufacture, delivery, installation, and testing of equipment for the Emergency Response Teams at Radon specialized enterprises and for remediation of radioactive waste  storage sites. The equipment to be supplied include vehicles to take personnel and equipment to a place of work, equipment for characterization and handling of radioactive materials and waste, personnel protection, auxiliary equipment, spare parts and consumables.

Lot 1: Equipment for the Emergency Response Teams at specialized plants of SC UkrSA “Radon”

Lot 2: Equipment for the Characterization and Remediation of radioactive waste storage sites resulting from decontamination activities after the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident

Duration: 24 months

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