European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Reaching the health related Cambodia MDGs: promoting primary healthcare for rural communities in Preah Vihear province

Last update: Mar 16, 2018 Last update: Mar 16, 2018


Start Date:Nov 1, 2009
End Date:Nov 1, 2012
Contract value: EUR 499,979
Date posted:Dec 14, 2012

Associated funding

Associated experts


Reaching the health related Cambodia MDGs: promoting primary healthcare for rural communities in Preah Vihear province.

The global objective of this Call for Proposal is: to facilitate NSAs’ and LAs’ contribution to poverty  alleviation in the context of sustainable development and achievement of the MDGs in Cambodia through the promotion of community development and the creation of partnerships between non-state actors and sub-national level authorities.
The specific objective of this Call for proposal is: to promote the development interests of disadvantaged groups in Cambodia, and increase their representation and participation in the development process.