Strengthening capacity of Marie Stopes Bangladesh in delivering SRH services
Start Date:Jan 1, 2017
End Date:Dec 31, 2019
Contract value: EUR 950,254
Sectors: Health, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Jan 8, 2018
Project number: NICHE-BGD-235
Project title: Strengthening capacity of Marie Stopes Bangladesh in delivering SRH services
Requesting Organisation: Marie Stopes Bangladesh
Contract description: At this moment Bangladesh lacks qualitative training in the field of Menstrual Regulation (MR) and MR by Medicine. Marie Stopes Bangladesh is a well-established institution to show leadership in this area and give significance to good training in the field of MR and MRM.
MSB is a project driven organisation that lacks funds to modernise curricula and renewing education materials. Nor have they the capacity to develop their didactical skills to support the effectiveness of their training. The project aims to provide MSB with the organisational capacity to support the functioning of MSB as a whole. Next to that, the project will provide MSB with the academic capacity to develop, implement and monitor an educational programme on SRHR and family planning in clinics and communities.