
Supply of equipment for the institutions in the area of justice and home affairs: Supply of forensic DNA sequencing system, Lot 3
Locations:North Macedonia
Start Date:Jan, 2018
End Date:Aug, 2019
Contract value: EUR 158,800
Sectors: Laboratory & Measurement
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Jan 26, 2018
Programme title: Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) - TAIB 2013
Publication Reference: EuropeAid/138757/IH/SUP/MK
Contract number: 12-7442/1
Contract Description:
The purpose of this contract is supply, delivery, unloading, installation, integration with the existing system (if applicable), testing, training (if applicable), and putting into operation of equipment for the institutions in the area of justice and home affairs. The equipment purchased with this contract is aimed for upgrading the ICT equipment of the justice and home affairs sector institutions, also for establishment of national interoperability platform system for data exchange and cooperation between the respective institutions (Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Justice, Financial Police Office, Financial Intelligence Office, State Commission for prevention of the Corruption, Public Prosecutor’s Office, Agency for management of confiscated property and Customs Administration) and furthermore for strengthening of the capacities of the Ministry of Interior Forensic Department for improved forensic analysis and expertise in the fight against organised crime.
Lot 3 - Supply of forensic DNA sequencing system
Duration: 19 months (7 months implementation period + 12 months warranty period)