
Water Resources Assessment to Supply Water for 4 Towns (3 in North Governorate and 1 in Bekaa Governorate)
Start Date:Jul, 2016
End Date:Jan, 2017
Sectors: Environment & NRM, Water & Sanitation
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Jan 31, 2018
Project Description
Earth Link and Advanced Resources Development S.A.L. (ELARD) was engaged by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to undertake a hydrogeological characterization study in four priority Cazas, namely, Baalbek, West Bekaa, Baabda and Aley. These areas were considered a priority by the Ministry of Energy and Water (MoEW) and UNHCR due to the large number of vulnerable populations relying on groundwater for essential supply.
Key objectives of this study were essentially to:
• Provide an up-to-date understanding of the hydrogeological conditions of the nominated Cazas in order to ensure that sustainable water management interventions are supported at the Caza level; and
• Propose prospective groundwater extraction locations to meet the water demand of refugees living in Informal Settlements (IS).
This project assesses the following:
• Geological and hydrogeological situation in the four Cazas;
• Current level of groundwater stress for the groundwater basins within each Caza;
• Groundwater quality and potential polluting sources;
• Propose potential zones for further groundwater extraction, if feasible.
Scope of Work
Hydrogeological Assessment of 4 cazas: (Aley Baabda, Baabdaa, and West Bekaa, Which include:
• Well Survey and Sampling
• Water Balance Assessment of the Various Aquifers
• Aquifer Pollution Assessment
• Identifications of unstressed Aquifer Zones for further exploitation.
• Location and Design of proposed wells