European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Feasibility of Cogeneration and Electric Power Export for the Guyana Sugar Industry, Lot 4

Last update: Mar 19, 2018 Last update: Mar 19, 2018


Start Date:Nov 1, 2016
End Date:Jun 30, 2017
Contract value: EUR 260,019
Sectors:Energy Energy
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Mar 19, 2018

Associated funding

Associated experts


Reference: EuropeAid/132633/C/SER/multi Lot 4

Project Description:

The global objectives of this study are to contribute to the security of clean and cost effective energy production in Guyana, reduce the dependence on
expensive, imported fossil fuels, also resulting in foreign exchange savings; and to create the Value Added product for the Sugar Industry - Renewable Energy Production - at Albion and Uitvlugt Estates, utilising the fibrous residue (Bagasse) of the sugar cane.
Specifically, to determine the feasibility of:
Alternative 1. Two new modern co-generation factories, on ‘greenfield’ sites;
Alternative 2. Conversion of two factories to cogeneration factories.

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