Mining and Gas Technical Assistance Project (MAGTAP): Consultancy Service for Upgrading of Mineral Information System and Library
Start Date:Jun 12, 2017
End Date:Jun 12, 2018
Contract value: EUR 601,250
Sectors: Information & Communication Technology
Project ID: P129847
Project: Mozambique Mining and Gas Technical Assistance Project
Bid/Contract Reference No: C47/A55
Scope of Contract: Consultancy Services for Upgrading of Mineral Information System and Library. The consulting services ("the Services") include: (i) Make assessment on the current state of documents, facilities, equipment and human resource skills and experience and propose appropriate upgrades (ii) Support on the procurement and supervise the installation of the equipment, (iii) Reinstallation of software and data restore, and (iv) provide training in computers and specific software.
Duration of Contract: 12 Month(s)