Unterstützung des nationalen Programms zur Kleinbewässerung (PASSIP)
Start Date:Feb 1, 2018
End Date:Apr 30, 2019
Contract value: EUR 252,051
Sectors: Agriculture, Food Security
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:May 14, 2018
Vergabeart: Nicht-offenes Verfahren
Art und Umfang der Leistung:
Beratung, allgemeine Dienstleistung
Unterstützung des nationalen Programms zur Kleinbewässerung (PASSIP)
Support to the national programme for sustainable smallholder irrigation agriculture (PASSIP): Delivery of six technical and economic studies
Through a delegated co-operation mechanism, the German co-operation is currently implementing, via its executing agency GIZ, the programme "Support to the national programme for sustainable smallholder irrigation agriculture" (PASSIP). In this context, the consortium AFC-ECO is responsible for carrying out several studies on various subjects, namely:
E1. Study on the optimization of the use of production factors for economic and financial profitability in smallholder irrigation systems
E2. Analysis of the phytosanitary situation in smallholder irrigation
E3. Study on the potentials of horticulture production in the winter season and definition of success factors
E4. Study on economically efficient and effective means of water extraction and distribution, adapted to the requirements of farms in the PASSIP intervention zones
E5. Analysis of the evolution of ecological problems caused by smallholder irrigation, of the effectiveness of correction measures and of the identification of adequate solutions
E6. Organizational diagnosis of farmer organizations in smallholder irrigation and proposals for an efficient set-up according to modern requirements
Type of services provided are:
E1: To provide guidelines and recommendations for agricultural extension and vocational training concerning the use of production factors and the economic and financial profitability of smallholder irrigation systems
E2: To develop recommendations and responses to phytosanitary problems in smallholder irrigation and to propose activities to promote a qualified stakeholder coordination
E3: To evaluate the potential of horticulture production in the winter season and the conditions for success in the PASSIP intervention zones. The study includes the description of cultivation practices adapted to the different situations in the intervention areas and the definition of research and training themes to improve winter production
E4: To identify, evaluate and facilitate the introduction of sustainable and effective water extraction and distribution systems adapted to smallholder irrigation systems in the PASSIP intervention zones
E5: To propose innovations in environmental management as a basis for updating the Strategic Environmental Assessment (EES) and the Environmental and Social Management Framework Plan (PGCES)
E6: To facilitate the increase in performance and the adaptation to modern requirements of farmer organizations and their individual subgroups (unions, federations etc.).