United States Agency for International Development (USA - HQ)

Enhanced Assistance to Basic Learning, Education, and Reform in the Social Sector Contract (ENABLERS): EDH-I-00-05-00029-00

Last update: Oct 31, 2005 Last update: Oct 31, 2005


Start Date:Sep 26, 2005
End Date:Sep 26, 2010
Contract value: USD 1,000,000,000
Sectors:Education, Training
Education, Training
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Oct 31, 2005

Associated funding

Associated experts


Solicitation Number: ENABLERS-M-OAA-EGAT

Contract Award Number: EDH-I-00-05-00029-00 {ABE/BE (Unrestricted)}

Purpose: The purpose of the Enhanced Assistance for Basic Learning, Education, and Reform in the Social Sector (ENABLERS) is to establish a world-wide Indefinite Quantity Contract (IQC) to support USAID Missions and Bureaus in the implementation of their Strategic Objectives (SOs) pertaining to education, health, and social sector reform. ENABLERS builds on and expands the scope of services provided by USAID’s current IQC, Basic Education and Policy Support (BEPS). (Creative Associates holds the BEPS contract. ENABLERS will also provide cost-effective access to technical expertise and implementation support to meet evolving USAID needs.

(1) Provide USAID with access to technical expertise and implementation support in the areas of basic education, linkages in education and health, and social sector reform in support of Missions and USAID/Washington SOs;
(2) Provide cost-effective implementation mechanisms to reduce administrative costs paid by Missions and USAID-centrally funded activities;
(3) Customize technical assistance provision to meet evolving USAID needs;
(4) Provide technical assistance to programs that integrate multiple objectives;
(5) Reduce procurement time for Missions and Bureaus by providing them with a precompeted mechanism.
(6) Provide an integrated mechanism to allow Missions with reduced management capacity to implement activities linked to their objectives; and
(7) Allow USAID/Washington Regional Bureaus to provide assistance to USAID’s programs in countries where there are minimal or no US direct hired staff.

Duration: five (5) years

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