United States Agency for International Development (USA - HQ)

Support under Program and Project Offices for Results Tracking (SUPPORT)

Last update: Jul 23, 2012 Last update: Jul 23, 2012


Locations:Afghanistan, USA
Start Date:Oct 6, 2006
End Date:Aug 27, 2012
Contract value: USD 41,342,744
Sectors:Gender, Translation
Gender, Translation
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Jul 23, 2012

Associated funding

Associated experts


: GS-10F-0425M
: 306-M-00-07-00502-00
Description: Objectives are:
1) Will provide assistance in the preparation of gender analyses required in the planning of new and expanded Mission program-funded activities. Specifically, gender analyses are a required part of the USAID activity planning process and serve to ensure that our projects make the optimal contribution to gender equality. The Mission does not ave the in-house capacity to complete all required gender analyses for newly designed and expanded Mission program-fund activities.
2) Will provide professional document translation services that exceed the capacity of the 2-man translation team within the Mission's Development Outreach and Communications (DoC) office.
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