European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

No child left behind- improving maternal and health care for under 5’s in China’s migrant population

Last update: Aug 31, 2015 Last update: Aug 31, 2015


Start Date:Unknown
End Date:Unknown
Contract value: EUR 595,367
Date posted:Dec 25, 2012

Associated funding

Associated experts


No child left behind- improving maternal and health care for under 5’s in China’s migrant population.

The overarching objective of this call for proposals is poverty reduction in the context of sustainable development, including the pursuit of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and other internationally agreed targets.

It is an “actor-oriented” programme aimed at strengthening the capacity of civil society organisations and local authorities as a pre-condition for a more equitable, open and democratic society through support to their “own initiatives”.

The programme therefore supports actions aimed at promoting an inclusive and empowered society in partner countries and its specific objectives are:

  • benefit populations out of reach of mainstream services and resources and excluded from policy making processes;

  • strengthen the capacity of civil society organisations and local authorities in partner countries, with a view to facilitating their participation in defining sustainable development strategies and in implementing actions aiming at poverty reduction ;

  • facilitate interaction between State and Non-State Actors in different contexts and support an increased role for local authorities in decentralisation processes.

Actions must correspond to at least one of the above three specific objectives and should always contain a significant element of capacity building geared towards local development actors, be it NSA, LA or more informal groupings of beneficiaries. Therefore a participatory approach, empowering local communities, should be ensured. Moreover, actions must take place in one of the countries listed in section 1.3.

Such actions can cover a wide range of activities and in particular:

  • innovative approaches of NSA and LA in the provision of social and other services (notably in the field of economic as well as rural and urban development);

  • institutional and technical support (internal governance, dialogue, strengthening of implementation and networking capacities etc.);

  • advocacy and monitoring of public policy making and implementation;

  • awareness raising and policy research (data gathering etc.) aimed at a better formulation, implementation and evaluation of development policies at all levels.

Whenever possible, particular attention should be paid to cross-cutting issues contributing to the achievement of the global objective of poverty reduction, such as the promotion of human rights, gender equality, rights of children and elderly people, rights of persons with disabilities, environment and climate change, as well as fight against HIV/AIDS. Whenever relevant, actions have to clearly demonstrate how these issues have and will be been taken into account in their design, implementation and monitoring. At the same time, principles such as empowerment, participation, non-discrimination of vulnerable groups and accountability must also be adequately taken into account.

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