Malis Project End-line
Start Date:2015
End Date:2015
Sectors: Environment & NRM, Food Security
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Nov 7, 2018
Client: UN FAO
Project: Malis Project End-line
Description: With funding from the European Union, UN FAO in Cambodia is implementing a 42-month project called ‘Improving food security and market linkages for smallholders in Oddar Meanchey and Preah Vihear Provinces’ (MALIS) from 2012-2015.
The overall objective of MALIS is improved food security and nutrition of vulnerable smallholder farmers in targeted provinces. The specific objective is improved farming systems, household income and family feeding practices among vulnerable smallholder farmers in the targeted provinces. This is to be achieved by increasing agricultural productivity and diversification; improving access to adequate quality-assured agricultural inputs and technologies; improving the integration of smallholders, including women farmers, in supply chains; promoting disaster risk reduction strategies; and promoting improved food utilisation through better diets and food processing at the household level. Environmental protection and gender equity will be a feature of all planning.