
Implementation of the focus area (3) energy efficiency of the PED in Senegal
Start Date:Jan 1, 2019
End Date:Dec 31, 2020
Contract value: EUR 1,495,621
Sectors: Energy
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Dec 11, 2018
Title: Implementation of the focus area (3) energy efficiency of the PED in Senegal
Reference number: 81223250
Vergabeart: Verhandlungsverfahren mit Teilnahme-Wettbewerb
Art und Umfang der Leistung: Beratung, allgemeine Dienstleistung
Programm zur Förderung nachhaltiger Energien
Short description:
The sustainable energy programme (PED) is implemented by GIZ in Senegal in cooperation with the Ministry of Petrol and Energy (MPE). It aims to improve the conditions for the implementation of climate friendly sustainable energy services.
The tender concerns “Energy Efficiency (EE)“, 1 of 5 focus areas. It aims at the improvement of information and offers of services for public and private stakeholders, which highlight the economic potential of energy efficiency. The project should foster a market transformation process, away from cheap products with high energy consumption towards higher-quality energy-saving products and services. Target groups are the public sector, private consumers, and commercial and industrial energy users. Specific applications will address groups of products (e.g. lamps, refrigerators, air-conditioning, etc.) and specific beneficiaries.