Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (HQ)

Central Project Evaluations: Urban and regional development, framework agreement 5 of 12

Last update: Dec 11, 2018 Last update: Dec 11, 2018


Start Date:May, 2018
End Date:May 31, 2020
Contract value: EUR 420,000
Sectors:Decentralization & Local Development, Mapping & Ca ...
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Decentralization & Local Development, Mapping & Cadastre, Monitoring & Evaluation, Urban Development
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Dec 11, 2018

Associated funding

Associated experts


Title: Central Project Evaluations: Urban and regional development, framework agreement 5 of 12

Reference number: 81219294

Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system:
The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement
Framework agreement with several operators

Contract No: 81225594

Contract No: 81225595

Contract No: 81225596

Contract No: 81225597

Contract No: 81225600

Short description: Central project evaluations generally concern projects that GIZ carries out on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) as our main commissioning party, together with our partners in order to support their change projects. The current evaluation portfolio covers the following thematic areas worldwide: 1) Economic policy, pro-poor growth strategies 81219290; 2) Private sector development, SME and MSME promotion 81219291; 3) Health 81219292; 4) Legal and judicial systems, human rights, civil society 81219293; 5) Urban and regional development 81219294; 6) Fragile contexts 81219295; 7) Refugee movements and migration 81219296; 8) Climate 81219297; 9) Biodiversity 81219298; 10) Agriculture, rural development and climate change 81219299; 11) Water and sanitation 81219300; 12) Energy 81219301. The subjects of the evaluations in this Framework Agreement are technical cooperation projects in the field of agriculture, rural development and climate change. The purpose of a central project evaluation is to provide a critical, analytical review of the results and implementation of a project. They can be carried out at different times: completed projects are evaluated some 8 months after the end of their term, which is usually 3 years (final evaluation). Projects with planned follow-on measures are also evaluated during their term (mid-term evaluation), depending on the intended use (submission for planning the follow-on commission, project steering, reporting to the commissioning party,strategic reflection). Both the mid-term and final evaluations take predecessor projects into consideration (where substantively relevant) in order to make statements about long-term results and sustainability. Contractors must prepare a final project evaluation report. The different types of evaluation are designed to provide a robust insight into the outputs, outcomes and impacts of approaches in partner structures. To ensure the comparability of project evaluations in German development cooperation and at the international level, GIZ applies the 5 evaluation criteria agreed by the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD): Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact and Sustainability. The particular challenge lies in verifying a causal relationship between measures and results up to impacts, and in plausibly substantiating the contribution of those measures to the results. To address the challenge of verifying a causal relationship, a theoretically sound, transparent and robust methodological approach is required. All evaluations must be carried out by a team consisting of one international and one local/regional evaluator.

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