Acquisition of Modules/Products/Services, related to the Non-core Activities of the Video Post-Production Platform (VPPP), File-based Workflow and Media Asset Management (MAM) Environment, Lot 2
Start Date:
End Date:
Contract value: EUR 899,700
Sectors: Information & Communication Technology
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Feb 11, 2020
Project title: Acquisition of Equipment, Appliances, Hardware, Software Licences and Related Services for the Video Post-Production Platform (VPPP) Infrastructure of the General Secretariat of the Council of the EU
Reference number: UCA 18/059
Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system
The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement
Framework agreement with several operators
Envisaged maximum number of participants to the framework agreement: 3
Lot No: 2
Description of the procurement:
Lot 2 covers modules/products/services related to the non-core activities of the Video post-production platform (VPPP), file-based workflow and Media asset management (MAM) environment.
The non-core activities of the VPPP notably includes (non-exhaustive list):
— quality control appliance,
— change-over and up/down/cross-convert appliances,
— signal and media converters.
The supplies provided will help at improving the overall file-based workflow and video delivery systems. In many cases, the supplies need to be tightly integrated with the rest of the VPPP infrastructure. Therefore, the ease of integration with Cinegy products, the VPPP network and the core-activities of the VPPP is of high priority.
Lot 2 includes hardware/software products and services related to future proof solutions enabling us to follow the quickly changing market of video editing (regarding e.g. reference and multiview screens, colorgrading, editing consoles), file transcoding and file formats, signal protocol converters and gateways, file quality control and adaptation of video files to the specifications of the Secretariat.
Duration in months: 48