United States Department of State (USA)

RxNT Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substance (EPCS) Subscription Services

Last update: Mar 9, 2020 Last update: Mar 9, 2020


Start Date:Jan 28, 2020
End Date:Unknown
Sectors:Health, Information & Communication Technology
Health, Information & Communication Technology
Categories:Non-consulting services
Date posted:Mar 9, 2020

Associated funding

Associated experts


Contract Award Number: 19AQMM20P0289

Description: The Department has a requirement for Medical Providers to prescribe controlled medications from over 200 international sites, including multiple remote and austere international sites.

It took several years for MED and RxNT to develop a highly reliable ‘cross-credentialing’ procedures to maintain proof of licensure and Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) registration within the low resource and administrative overhead necessary to function in a majority of the Department’s facilities. RxNT maintains credentialing data for US compliance on over 200 MED providers worldwide. It would require at least six (6) months to a year to establish a credentialing process with a new company while requiring MED providers to resubmit multiple credentialing documents to new companies (high overhead) during which MED’s medical patients would not have access to the prescription services they have come to expect and depend upon. There are at least 20,000 Foreign Service Officers and their family members who depend upon the RxNT prescription services to obtain their medications. Denying that service for the estimated months to years to re-establish it under a new contractor would be a major disservice to members of the Department and our affiliated agencies.
RxNT dedicated an experienced, capable fulltime employee to the Bureau of Medical Services who can interact directly with MED providers in the field via OpenNet. This feature is unique among e-prescribing companies and has proven very valuable during overseas network problems or changes in benefit status of DOD or DOE eligible employees. Key ‘Unique Features’ of RxNT for State:

• Ability to provide electronic prescription service to and from almost universal locations worldwide including those in austere areas which took years of development;
• Fully developed and integrated ‘cross-credentialing’ for more than 200 MED providers including Nurse Practitioners and Physicians Assistants practicing independently;
• Well developed, fully tested, and integrated Pharmacy Benefit Management functions with Express-Scripts.
• Dedicated full time, specifically identified RxNT employee with dedicated email contact to manage/facilitate Department of State’s issues/concerns.


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