United States Department of Agriculture

Sandy Beach Road Alignment

Last update: Apr 14, 2020 Last update: Apr 14, 2020


Start Date:Mar 12, 2020
End Date:Unknown
Sectors:Civil Engineering, Roads & Bridges
Civil Engineering, Roads & Bridges
Date posted:Apr 14, 2020

Associated funding

Associated experts


Notice ID: 12010920Q0012

Contract Award Number: 12010920C0011

Description: This project involves the new construction of approximately 200 lineal feet of 16’ wide roadbed along an existing road alignment. The 30 Road (Sandy Beach) is located north of the city of Thorne Bay that has a fill slope failure at MP 18.2. This section of road is immediately adjacent to Deer Creek. The intent is to shift the road away from the creek approximately 10 feet, into an existing rockpit, and lay back the slope down to the creek at a 1:1 1 1⁄4 slope and armor with rip rap. It is anticipated that excavated material from the fill slope and existing prism will be used in the construction of the new road segment. Option item for rock excavation is intended to be exercised in the event there is solid, un-rippable rock uncovered during roadway excavation. It is recommended potential quoters make a site visit to review project conditions.

The project includes Mobilization of Equipment and the following summary of work.

Clearing and grubbing
Excavation and embankment
Haul and placement of aggregate and rip rap
Installation of culverts
Seeding and fertilizing

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