World Bank HQ

International Technical Consultant - Improvement of the sanitation system of the city of Puerto Maldonado, Peru

Last update: Oct 8, 2020 Last update: Oct 8, 2020


Start Date:
End Date:Unknown
Contract value: USD 1,093,000
Sectors:Civil Engineering, Water & Sanitation Civil Engineering, Water & Sanitation
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Oct 8, 2020

Associated funding

Associated experts


Selection Number: 1260186


Assignment Objective:
The Technical Specialist is expected to assist the IFC transaction team, providing guidance based on the consultants technical expertise as needed to support the IFC team that would lead the advisory mandate with Proinversion.

Scope of Work:

After the signing of the mandate with Proinversion, the IFCs advisory mandate will be implemented into two phases:

Phase 1 - Transaction Structuring: IFC and its consultants will analyze all aspects of the Project, including capital investment program, financial viability, technical and legal due diligence, regulatory framework, environmental and social issues. IFC will then recommend to Proinversion the optimal scope and structure for the Transaction that would require government approval before proceeding to Phase 2.

Phase 2 - Transaction Implementation: IFC, with the support of its consultants, will implement the approved transaction structure, including the promotion of the Transaction to potential investors, the prequalification of investors, the design of bid criteria, the preparation of legal documents for a competitive international tender, the oversight of the tender process, and assistance to Proinversion during the evaluation of the bids and the closing of the Transaction.

Key tasks of the technical firm to be performed are outlined below:

Assist in the technical aspects of IFCs proposal preparation to Proinversion, including review of technical information on the Project provided by the Client
Provide a technical opinion on the quality and level of completeness of the existing information and studies provided by the Client.
Review all Environmental & Social project information available and produce gap analysis between national/local legislation and IFC Performance Standards.
Estimate the scope, budget and timetable of the technical due diligence to be conducted by a technical firm.
Draft the terms of references for the technical and environmental consultant firm, reflecting the technical opinion from the review of existing documents.
Support the coordination of the supervision process of the deliverables assigned to the technical/E&S consultant including preliminary drafts.
Participate in the drafting of the legal document providing technical and environmental & social inputs to prequalification documents, Request for proposal and bidding documents.
Subject to IFC signing of an advisory mandate with Proinversion for the structuring and implementation of the Transaction, the team will confirm any additional support that would be needed by the Technical Specialist through the project. This is an indicative list of tasks and is subject to change based on the implementation of the project.


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