European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Aid to Uprooted People - Indonesia - Aid to Uprooted Peoples in Maluku

Last update: Jul 23, 2015 Last update: Jul 23, 2015


Start Date:Unknown
End Date:Unknown
Contract value: EUR 1,020,436
Sectors:Conflict, Humanitarian Aid & Emergency Conflict, Humanitarian Aid & Emergency
Date posted:Oct 9, 2012

Associated funding

Associated experts


The global objective of this Call for Proposals is: to support sustainable resettlements and livelihoods for those ex-IDPs ‘left behind’ in the recovery process in three key post-conflict provinces of Maluku, West Timor and Central Sulawesi.
The specific objective (s) of this Call for Proposals are:
Objective 1: To support the resettlement, in safe and sustainable conditions, of women and men living in camps and other forms of temporary shelter in the three key conflict areas; women and men who, because of displacements, combine all forms of material and social deprivation;
Objective 2: To support the social integration, as citizens, of ex-IDPs in villages, sub-districts and districts in the three key conflict areas through active participation in mainstream development planning and budgeting processes
Objective 3: To strengthen conflict early warning and early response networks in the target areas in monitoring and optimizing the interaction between the project and the other factors of social cohesion / disintegration.

Aid to Uprooted Peoples in Maluku.


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